me begin this article with a prayer, then explain the meaning behind it;
blow off the fig leaves of a self-righteous world, secular and religious, and
reveal the nakedness of them all.”
all know the story of the fall of Adam & Eve, so with that understanding in
your mind, we also know that to hide their nakedness they sewed fig leaves
together to hide this “feeling” of nakedness. I got this thought this
morning, “The Power of fig leaves.” (expressed in sarcasm). As I
reflected on this, what was a single thought became sentences and the following
the winds blow” – the winds of truth will BLOW OFF THE FIG LEAVES we all have
created. Once this occurs, the questions to be asked, “What’s underneath
these fig leaves; why were they sewed in the first place; what does it mean in
scriptures, “Naked I came into this world, naked I will leave;” what was the
FEELING that Adam & Eve felt that cause them to sew fig leave?”
all have heard answers to these questions I am sure; but do we really know and
understand the secular and religious answers that we claim? We have heard
of those who, “Going about establishing their righteousness, have forfeited the
righteousness of Christ.” Do you really understand this matter of “His
righteousness?” If you claim that you do, then ask yourself, “Why are you
yielding to the secular and religious ideas of righteous (behavior) to appease
your feeling of nakedness before God?
look at this from this illustration;
live in a world of those who have sewed fig leaves as clothes. Now you,
at first, haven’t done this, and dare, at first, to bear your nakedness for all
to see. (The honesty of youth). They cause you to “feel” naked, ashamed,
because you haven’t joined them in their “cover-up.” You given in and
start sewing “leaves” that fit you particular race, culture and creeds; as long
as you do this, you fit in. After a period of time, the “Winds of Truth”
keep blowing off your leaves and need to be replaced with new leaves. At
times they change in their color and shape, but still are leaves, still are a
cover-up of the truth of your nakedness. (The changing of peers).
one day, “The Spirit of Truth” reveals to you that in spite of your efforts,
you still are naked. This same Spirit reveals to you that it wasn’t
a matter of any particular race, culture or creed, color or shape of the
leaves, there was only one way to set you free.” This Spirit of
TRUTH reveals to you that the honest confession of your nakedness was the only
way that would lead you to true freedom. You get a disgruntle reaction of
those in you race, culture and creed, you do that which is forbidden of them,
you allow your nakedness to be revealed. They can only see, at first,
that you are naked; but the Spirit of Truth doesn’t leave you (pun intended –
call it the “de-leafing,” or undoing of what had been done to you)…the Spirit
of Truth doesn’t leave, de-leaf you, without first covering your nakedness,
with the Righteousness of another, Jesus Christ our Lord. At first, this
True Righteousness can’t be seen by those around you; their leaves blind them
to a greater truth. Over time, this INWARD RIGHTEOUSNESS is worked out,
and you learn to put-on, the very image and nature, of what you are inside, and
thus no longer need the self efforts you once were taught.”
are the leaves that hide the truth? With what I am about to share
with you, do not push this to the extreme as some have thought to do, so they
can keep their self-righteous leaves. So, what are these leaves?
Dependent upon your choice of peers, here is a list;
1. Non-smoking, or smoking
2. Non-drinking, or drinking
3. Not eating certain foods
4. Not going to certain places
5. Not associating with certain people
6. Going to a certain denomination/church attendance
7. Making it a matter of a certain religious performance, Pentecostal/Baptist, Jewish, etc.
8. Articulating words to appear righteous – use of Greek and Hebrew
9. Increase of knowledge, secular or religious
10. Looking a certain way – example, beards for men, long hair, short hair for women debate, and dresses verse pants etc.
11. Boasting of years into religious studies – forever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth of your nakedness.
12. Boasting of so-called gifts – those comparing themselves by themselves aren’t wise!
list could go on and on; it all could be, and most of the time is, nothing more
than “leaves” sown to hide the truth of one feeling naked. This “feeling”
is linked with quilt, and the matter of guilt is beyond just guilt feelings, but
is what’s called “True Moral Guilt.” A feeling of guilt that never leaves
with the use of LEAVES; leaves come and fall, with the changing of the seasons,
but what God has to offer covers this True Moral Guilt, a feel of being CUT OFF
FROM your creator; your Father; a feeling that only an orphan could understand
in the natural sense of its use. I heard it once expressed this way, “I
was an orphan with parents.” Until we face this feeling, we will be
forever seeking to relieve our sense of being cut off in this world, left as an
orphan, even with natural parents attempting to fill in this void. Only
God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, could bring us to understand how
God’s Son came to correct his feeling of nakedness by God, our Father, “SON
PLACING US”, which is the spiritual definition of this term Adoption. Our
true Father, NEVER LEFT US ALONE, as we understand this word in the natural
world; He loved us before the foundation of the world, and never desired that
we feel forsaken, cut off from Him. He established, as an ETERNAL
FACT, that assured us that His love would be UNCONDITIONAL, no matter
what the circumstance would be that we would be born into. He covered us
coming to this world, and assured us of our deliverance and exit of this temporal
experience, and back into His welcoming arms. We have called it “the
Reconciliation.” It is nothing more than this ETERNAL FACT that I have,
through the teachings of the Apostle Paul, that I have been offering to all
that I have encountered in my journey through this life. I have been told
that this year will be the year of the Standing or falling, in this article we
are seeing this matter of the Falling to be a good thing; “Some sins of men
precede them, others follow.” In other words,
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