Saturday, February 21, 2015


I heard the other night off the “WEB”, a web that entraps those willing to adventure into it, that God’s laws are not the laws of this nation of ours, but the will of a 51% consensus of the people.

Now stop and think about this for a moment; are the laws of this land determined by a 51% consensus of the people, expressed through our Governmental bodies?  Thinking further, if 51% of the people agree that it is alright for a man to take his neighbor’s wife and property, would you agree with this, simply because 51% of the people desire this? 

Going even further, which is something we are seeing more and more today, “if by executive order, a leader of this land were to put into law something as silly as allowing an individual to seize his neighbor’s wife and property, would this be right?  If your answer to either of these two cases, 51% majority vote or executive order, if your answer is “No, this wouldn’t be right;”  I ask you, “Why?”  If we, as a people or nation, thrown out the idea of a God behind the laws of our land, where are we heading?  If we as a people do not know the reason and intend of why God would give a law in the first place, do you understand where we are heading? 

Think again with me; “If Adolf Hitler, by his executive orders was right, where is your argument if you have cut God and His purposes out for the giving of law.  Do you even know why God instituted the law we read in the book, the Bible, that our Government, and Legal systems place their right hand upon and swear to up hold?  I want to address this with a single question, “Which came first, the law or the promise?’  If you don’t understand this question, or its purpose, you might want to read on.

There are promises that God made long before the giving of the 10 Commandments, or any other law one could pull up out of this book we call the Bible.  As a matter of fact, we read that God revealed this Promise to an individual called Abram 430 years before the 10 Commandments were ever introduced.  It is also written that even the 10 Commandment could not disannul God’s promise.  Now the question should be, “What was in this promise?”  Without a long explanation of the history of the Hebrew people to whom this promise was revealed, know that this promise was that God “had” delivered humanity from what the law would reveal.  What did the law reveal?  First, that humanity had gotten, back then and even today, had gotten away from this promise, to deliver us all from the condition we see around us, and manifested through the breaking of these Laws from God. 

What am I saying?  I am saying that the problem today isn’t a matter of how we institute laws or give credit to.  Any law would prove what the 10 Commandments proved.  What did it prove?  It proves that God is totally out of the picture in humanity’s decision making; proving a REAL NEED of deliverance from our condition, a condition that has dared to thrown out our creator, thinking we could run this dog and pony show without Him.  Take a look around you, what do you see?  What once was considered wrong has now become right.  What was once consider evil, is now called good.  We it comes down to a 51% majority vote, or the will of a strong Elite, this is the result.  Consider this fact; if an “Absolute” is thrown out, one which could say, “This is wrong, this is right,” the idea of right or wrong is left to the wimp and will of the majority or some form or dictatorship. 

So, in conclusion, know this; we here in the United States of America, are no longer One Nation Under God, but only the will of a 51% majority that is growing stronger and stronger, where the minority has become subjected to the laws that once were good, now becoming evil.  Yet realize this; soon, very soon, this immoral majority will soon be under a STRONG ELITE, who also in time will be under the rule of a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL who is called “The Anti-Christ.”  This Anti-Christ’s end intend of the laws he is establishing will be to the total destruction of “ALL HUMANITY!”   Ponder this people of this land and this world.

One final thought; “I don’t follow a God of Law but one of Promise.”  What do I mean?  If I were to say that I follow a God of law, the debate would be “which God?”  It is the God of the Jew, or the Christian, or Islam, or any other ancient god of the past?  The God that I serve is the God of Promise who only used the law that He gave to bring us back to what it was that He promised.  I end with that promise; a well known verse totally misunderstood.  John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe on Him, they would not perish.”  That’s the God of Promise!  Let His law do its good work, proving you condition, and need of deliverance.



Unfortunately for this nation all this is the sad truth. I was watching  and interview with CNN and a judge of the highest court from  somewhere in the Bible belt,can't remember the state, anyway this judged opposed  same sex marriage. He was stating that it was God's law written when this country was founded, the interviewer was arguing exactly what Paul is saying in this email . It was disheartening to see  how God was being thrown to the curb,  and  how he disrespected this Judged factual information.  The judged finally said he would take to to the supreme court's. I was hoping the judge would ask him to take  a coin from his pocket. In God We Trust,that's what it says  . However I'm know this to would change

My response to Mary:

Mary..this was the same Interview I saw on the web the other night, a Judge arguing with CNN Commentator.  All well and good, but “both” missed the point of the law, as the Lord has revealed to us.  So did David Night, on Infowar, where I saw this, seeing it as an issues of the laws of men verses “certain inalienable rights” brought out in the US Constitution, rights that are said to come from God.  I don’t believe any of them understand these God given rights coming to us from the Justification work of God the Father through the Son, before the foundation of the world.  I have been told that as long as this Nation throws out God’s Justice and Justification…THEY WILL NEVER SEE “JUSTICE”….this is being confirmed more and more every day.  God is the only justice and justifier; apart from this, humanity has NO RIGHTS AT ALL, and can’t blame anyone one without judging themselves.  They are missing the REAL PROBLEM, thus men will wax worst and worst, deceiving and being deceived holding down this truth with the Lie; the lie that we can solve our problems and don’t need God to do it.  The idea of secular humanism is rising to top of this junk pile, “man, in the name of man, by the power of man, to the glory of man.”  God no longer mean anything to the majority of the secular and religious world.  You would expect the religious world to be more on the ball; yet you see it demonstrated by this Christian Judge mentioned; his idea of the purpose of the law falls short.  I have stress over and over…”The Purpose of the Law, The purpose of the law;” it is falling on deaf ears…they see it as a code of “self-righteousness” to gain God favor, thus throw out His favor of unconditional love, mercy and grace..given to all, BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. 

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