Saturday, February 21, 2015


I heard the other night off the “WEB”, a web that entraps those willing to adventure into it, that God’s laws are not the laws of this nation of ours, but the will of a 51% consensus of the people.

Now stop and think about this for a moment; are the laws of this land determined by a 51% consensus of the people, expressed through our Governmental bodies?  Thinking further, if 51% of the people agree that it is alright for a man to take his neighbor’s wife and property, would you agree with this, simply because 51% of the people desire this? 

Going even further, which is something we are seeing more and more today, “if by executive order, a leader of this land were to put into law something as silly as allowing an individual to seize his neighbor’s wife and property, would this be right?  If your answer to either of these two cases, 51% majority vote or executive order, if your answer is “No, this wouldn’t be right;”  I ask you, “Why?”  If we, as a people or nation, thrown out the idea of a God behind the laws of our land, where are we heading?  If we as a people do not know the reason and intend of why God would give a law in the first place, do you understand where we are heading? 

Think again with me; “If Adolf Hitler, by his executive orders was right, where is your argument if you have cut God and His purposes out for the giving of law.  Do you even know why God instituted the law we read in the book, the Bible, that our Government, and Legal systems place their right hand upon and swear to up hold?  I want to address this with a single question, “Which came first, the law or the promise?’  If you don’t understand this question, or its purpose, you might want to read on.

There are promises that God made long before the giving of the 10 Commandments, or any other law one could pull up out of this book we call the Bible.  As a matter of fact, we read that God revealed this Promise to an individual called Abram 430 years before the 10 Commandments were ever introduced.  It is also written that even the 10 Commandment could not disannul God’s promise.  Now the question should be, “What was in this promise?”  Without a long explanation of the history of the Hebrew people to whom this promise was revealed, know that this promise was that God “had” delivered humanity from what the law would reveal.  What did the law reveal?  First, that humanity had gotten, back then and even today, had gotten away from this promise, to deliver us all from the condition we see around us, and manifested through the breaking of these Laws from God. 

What am I saying?  I am saying that the problem today isn’t a matter of how we institute laws or give credit to.  Any law would prove what the 10 Commandments proved.  What did it prove?  It proves that God is totally out of the picture in humanity’s decision making; proving a REAL NEED of deliverance from our condition, a condition that has dared to thrown out our creator, thinking we could run this dog and pony show without Him.  Take a look around you, what do you see?  What once was considered wrong has now become right.  What was once consider evil, is now called good.  We it comes down to a 51% majority vote, or the will of a strong Elite, this is the result.  Consider this fact; if an “Absolute” is thrown out, one which could say, “This is wrong, this is right,” the idea of right or wrong is left to the wimp and will of the majority or some form or dictatorship. 

So, in conclusion, know this; we here in the United States of America, are no longer One Nation Under God, but only the will of a 51% majority that is growing stronger and stronger, where the minority has become subjected to the laws that once were good, now becoming evil.  Yet realize this; soon, very soon, this immoral majority will soon be under a STRONG ELITE, who also in time will be under the rule of a SINGLE INDIVIDUAL who is called “The Anti-Christ.”  This Anti-Christ’s end intend of the laws he is establishing will be to the total destruction of “ALL HUMANITY!”   Ponder this people of this land and this world.

One final thought; “I don’t follow a God of Law but one of Promise.”  What do I mean?  If I were to say that I follow a God of law, the debate would be “which God?”  It is the God of the Jew, or the Christian, or Islam, or any other ancient god of the past?  The God that I serve is the God of Promise who only used the law that He gave to bring us back to what it was that He promised.  I end with that promise; a well known verse totally misunderstood.  John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe on Him, they would not perish.”  That’s the God of Promise!  Let His law do its good work, proving you condition, and need of deliverance.



Unfortunately for this nation all this is the sad truth. I was watching  and interview with CNN and a judge of the highest court from  somewhere in the Bible belt,can't remember the state, anyway this judged opposed  same sex marriage. He was stating that it was God's law written when this country was founded, the interviewer was arguing exactly what Paul is saying in this email . It was disheartening to see  how God was being thrown to the curb,  and  how he disrespected this Judged factual information.  The judged finally said he would take to to the supreme court's. I was hoping the judge would ask him to take  a coin from his pocket. In God We Trust,that's what it says  . However I'm know this to would change

My response to Mary:

Mary..this was the same Interview I saw on the web the other night, a Judge arguing with CNN Commentator.  All well and good, but “both” missed the point of the law, as the Lord has revealed to us.  So did David Night, on Infowar, where I saw this, seeing it as an issues of the laws of men verses “certain inalienable rights” brought out in the US Constitution, rights that are said to come from God.  I don’t believe any of them understand these God given rights coming to us from the Justification work of God the Father through the Son, before the foundation of the world.  I have been told that as long as this Nation throws out God’s Justice and Justification…THEY WILL NEVER SEE “JUSTICE”….this is being confirmed more and more every day.  God is the only justice and justifier; apart from this, humanity has NO RIGHTS AT ALL, and can’t blame anyone one without judging themselves.  They are missing the REAL PROBLEM, thus men will wax worst and worst, deceiving and being deceived holding down this truth with the Lie; the lie that we can solve our problems and don’t need God to do it.  The idea of secular humanism is rising to top of this junk pile, “man, in the name of man, by the power of man, to the glory of man.”  God no longer mean anything to the majority of the secular and religious world.  You would expect the religious world to be more on the ball; yet you see it demonstrated by this Christian Judge mentioned; his idea of the purpose of the law falls short.  I have stress over and over…”The Purpose of the Law, The purpose of the law;” it is falling on deaf ears…they see it as a code of “self-righteousness” to gain God favor, thus throw out His favor of unconditional love, mercy and grace..given to all, BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. 
                                                                      THE ROAD HOME
The mystery of iniquity verses the Mystery of Godliness.  This is the battle, this is what I am sensing.  All I can say for now, until more is understood,…STAY IN THE SPIRIT, that Holy Spirit that is leading and guiding our quickened human spirit.  DO NOT FOLLOW any other spirit coming out of the secular world and the religion world no matter how impressive it may appear.  STAY ON THE ROAD, and DO NOT GET OFF of it no matter the temptation to deviate, even for that which might appear as good; no matter who it is that attempts to change your direction.  STAY FOCUSED straight ahead.  SIT LIGHTLY to the cares and affairs of the world around you.  DO NOT be lured away with the opinions of the secular world and the religious world…why? Because they are becoming one in the same, the same spirit, the “spirit of this world, this age.”  I am experiencing this, and I have seen and heard it from all of you; it comes out in your relationships, contacts, on the web, off the web, in your homes, on your jobs, in your churches,…this spirit of evil is touching everything.  See and hear what you need to see and hear, then MOVE ON DOWN THE ROAD.   I will be moving on, and pray that I have you come along, not following me, but what you have come to know in your quicken spirit, the WAY HOME.  Paul  Feb. 18, 2015


Let me begin this article with a prayer, then explain the meaning behind it;

“Father, blow off the fig leaves of a self-righteous world, secular and religious, and reveal the nakedness of them all.”

We all know the story of the fall of Adam & Eve, so with that understanding in your mind, we also know that to hide their nakedness they sewed fig leaves together to hide this “feeling” of nakedness.  I got this thought this morning, “The Power of fig leaves.” (expressed in sarcasm).  As I reflected on this, what was a single thought became sentences and the following paragraphs. 

“When the winds blow” – the winds of truth will BLOW OFF THE FIG LEAVES we all have created.  Once this occurs, the questions to be asked, “What’s underneath these fig leaves; why were they sewed in the first place; what does it mean in scriptures, “Naked I came into this world, naked I will leave;” what was the FEELING that Adam & Eve felt that cause them to sew fig leave?”

We all have heard answers to these questions I am sure; but do we really know and understand the secular and religious answers that we claim?  We have heard of those who, “Going about establishing their righteousness, have forfeited the righteousness of Christ.”  Do you really understand this matter of “His righteousness?”  If you claim that you do, then ask yourself, “Why are you yielding to the secular and religious ideas of righteous (behavior) to appease your feeling of nakedness before God? 

Let’s look at this from this illustration;

“You live in a world of those who have sewed fig leaves as clothes.  Now you, at first, haven’t done this, and dare, at first, to bear your nakedness for all to see. (The honesty of youth).  They cause you to “feel” naked, ashamed, because you haven’t joined them in their “cover-up.”  You given in and start sewing “leaves” that fit you particular race, culture and creeds; as long as you do this, you fit in.  After a period of time, the “Winds of Truth” keep blowing off your leaves and need to be replaced with new leaves.  At times they change in their color and shape, but still are leaves, still are a cover-up of the truth of your nakedness. (The changing of peers).

Then one day, “The Spirit of Truth” reveals to you that in spite of your efforts, you still are naked.  This same Spirit reveals to you that it wasn’t a matter of any particular race, culture or creed, color or shape of the leaves, there was only one way to set you free.”  This Spirit of TRUTH reveals to you that the honest confession of your nakedness was the only way that would lead you to true freedom.  You get a disgruntle reaction of those in you race, culture and creed, you do that which is forbidden of them, you allow your nakedness to be revealed.  They can only see, at first, that you are naked; but the Spirit of Truth doesn’t leave you (pun intended – call it the “de-leafing,” or undoing of what had been done to you)…the Spirit of Truth doesn’t leave, de-leaf you, without first covering your nakedness, with the Righteousness of another, Jesus Christ our Lord.  At first, this True Righteousness can’t be seen by those around you; their leaves blind them to a greater truth.  Over time, this INWARD RIGHTEOUSNESS is worked out, and you learn to put-on, the very image and nature, of what you are inside, and thus no longer need the self efforts you once were taught.”

What are the leaves that hide the truth?   With what I am about to share with you, do not push this to the extreme as some have thought to do, so they can keep their self-righteous leaves.  So, what are these leaves?  Dependent upon your choice of peers, here is a list;

1.       Non-smoking, or smoking

2.      Non-drinking, or drinking

3.      Not eating certain foods

4.      Not going to certain places

5.      Not associating with certain people

6.      Going to a certain denomination/church attendance

7.      Making it a matter of a certain religious performance, Pentecostal/Baptist, Jewish, etc.

8.      Articulating words to appear righteous – use of Greek and Hebrew

9.      Increase of knowledge, secular or religious

10.  Looking a certain way – example, beards for men, long hair, short hair for women debate, and dresses verse pants etc.

11.  Boasting of years into religious studies – forever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth of your nakedness.

12.  Boasting of so-called gifts – those comparing themselves by themselves aren’t wise!

This list could go on and on; it all could be, and most of the time is, nothing more than “leaves” sown to hide the truth of one feeling naked.  This “feeling” is linked with quilt, and the matter of guilt is beyond just guilt feelings, but is what’s called “True Moral Guilt.”  A feeling of guilt that never leaves with the use of LEAVES; leaves come and fall, with the changing of the seasons, but what God has to offer covers this True Moral Guilt, a feel of being CUT OFF FROM your creator; your Father; a feeling that only an orphan could understand in the natural sense of its use.  I heard it once expressed this way, “I was an orphan with parents.”  Until we face this feeling, we will be forever seeking to relieve our sense of being cut off in this world, left as an orphan, even with natural parents attempting to fill in this void.  Only God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, could bring us to understand how God’s Son came to correct his feeling of nakedness by God, our Father, “SON PLACING US”, which is the spiritual definition of this term Adoption.  Our true Father, NEVER LEFT US ALONE, as we understand this word in the natural world; He loved us before the foundation of the world, and never desired that we feel forsaken, cut off from Him.   He established, as an ETERNAL FACT,  that assured us that His love would be UNCONDITIONAL, no matter what the circumstance would be that we would be born into.  He covered us coming to this world, and assured us of our deliverance and exit of this temporal experience, and back into His welcoming arms.  We have called it “the Reconciliation.”  It is nothing more than this ETERNAL FACT that I have, through the teachings of the Apostle Paul, that I have been offering to all that I have encountered in my journey through this life.  I have been told that this year will be the year of the Standing or falling, in this article we are seeing this matter of the Falling to be a good thing; “Some sins of men precede them, others follow.”  In other words,



                                                                   Feel All Alone?

John 16:32 “Behold, the hour comes, yea, is NOW COME, that you shall be scattered, everyman TO HIS OWN, and shall leave me ALONE; “And yet, I am NOT ALONE, because the Father is with me.”


Jesus was not on a pity trip saying this.  You hear it in what follows in this same chapter


“These things I have spoken unto you, that you might have peace.  In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD.”  (In other words, “It will O.K; I am prepared for this moment, I don’t feel alone.)


What’s the answer to this puzzle?  “Stay out of the world, join Him in His “OVERCOMING” position.  Let others seek “their own.”  The disciples did just that.  Was Jesus in despair knowing they would do this?  He clearly Knew this would happen.  We all have been warned that this would happen, and appear to be shocked when it does.  I have personally seen and experienced, along with all of you, “ALL” my family and friends going to THEIR OWN WAY, leaving me feeling all alone.  This had to happen, for a deeper relationship to occur in my relationship with our true Father, at some point we will be tested as to our claim of having such a relationship.  This PEACE that Jesus mentioned comes only after we come to feel deserted by all.  This peace will be found to PASS all the misunderstandings and poor view we have of the meaning behind this total experience, one temporal in nature.  We find ourselves still expecting to get our needs met by those who never could have met our deepest needs, that only God could.  This world has castrated  the gelding and have bid him to be fruitful.  What this means is that we are looking to a world, who are without God, and any understanding of unconditional love, to meet our needs for such depth of love.  We are seeking “fondness”, we are seeking to be liked and understood, by a world that hasn’t the capacity to do this.  Only another human being, like yourself, who has some idea of the possibility of such love, would be able to self sacrifice for the one that they loved, with the very love they have received from their Father, the same Father you have claimed.


Did you notice, all His disciple deserted Him; did He ever give up on believing that up the road, after His death, (letting them each go their own way) …believing that a resurrection moment would come in the lives of each one of them, and would give them all the forgiveness, mercy and grace, for leaving Him alone, as alone as you might feel today, having close loved ones ignoring you, rejecting what you know to be the truth.  Once again we were warned.  What did we expect?  Was Jesus kidding when He said, “If they rejected me, they will also reject you….”The world loves its own”,  “mother against daughter, son against father,…”  We see this in the lives of many, yet think we will do better at this thing of sharing the Gospel, and gain people’s love and understanding.  If so, you have been sharing it all in the need for love, not because you have His kind of love that could be expressed as we have just read in John’s Gospel.  It’s called, “helping out of the need to be helped.”  The world would say, “You scratch my back, I scratch yours.”  What happens when you scratch someone back and they don’t return the favor?  Fondness goes out the window at that moment.  In our natural make up its just the way that it is, cut off from God.  What were we expecting, we have been warned.


Ending this, let me say this, what Jesus had said to His disciples, “All of you will desert me, you will all at some point in time, leave me and follow the teaching of others.  It will be O.K,…I have been told this will happen, that it must happen, for my relationship to our Father to increase.  It is expedient that I go away, that you realize the TRUE TEACHER isn’t any individual man or self-claimed teacher.  Your true teacher, as Jesus Himself had intended, was the Holy Spirit…it is He that will lead you all to this TRUTH, discovering…”Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end.”   God Bless all of you…Paul

Friday, February 20, 2015



“Mountains begin to steam, from the belly of the earth comes hot lava streams” Confirmation to my video… And yes I know, “Nothing new, just another volcano, big deal.” It wouldn’t be if I had not put out this recent video, and seen almost the same Steaming Mountain I placed in my video. And then, the same night, listened to another individual considered crazy as I am, saying the same things on Pal Talk. Confirmation after confirmation. I am getting to believe that what I hear is from the Lord, to the point confirmation isn’t needed any longer. And again, I know, there are millions on Youtube alone, claiming all kinds if revelations from the Lord. I will only say what I have been told to say…”Let it play out.” It is playing out, proving who sees and who does not. “Take it for what it is worth.” Paul





Watching the “WORLD” news, and I stress world, I asked, “Father, what’s happening?” One word said it all, “Diversion”. I looked up the meaning as usual, “Turn from a course or purpose; distract; amuse; activity engaged in for amusement; an attitude, circumstance to a stimulus that tends to make one gratified or happy.” I have a rather long piece I wrote some time ago that kind of went cross grain to a lot that is being said, especially in the doomsday news of today, not that there isn’t truth to what they say. In this long piece, to express it briefly, “when they say peace and safety”….you know the rest of the verse. Well, now is the time to be concerned, they are saying peace and safety, economy is booming, generally everyone is feeling happy buying more this Christmas than ever, and the entertainment industry is more distracting than ever before with 100’s of channel to fit your fancy. Look in the definition of Diversion – “circumstance to a stimulus”…we are be stimulate; again I had to look up the word for a clear definition, “Stimulate” – to lead one into doing or feeling or to produce by so leading a person; to elevate the spirits of.” The use of the word spirit in this definition sure isn’t the spirit we understand; the definition is geared to the emotional soul and its distraction to the carnal and not TRUE Spiritual emotion as “joy” that last and only comes from outside this world of joy that comes and goes as the Wall Street and the world turns. Once again I am told to STAY IN THE SPIRIT, do not get caught up with one extreme or the other, the gloom and doom or the high emotional ride that the world generates independent from our Lord. Beware of the diversion that is going on; the devil is changing his tactics. Paul




We all know the text in Hebrews of how “once more God will shake everything that can be shaken”….get past just a religious idea of his text…hear what I have been told…God has wearied of this world and their excluding Him in their professional  practices, that now what once worked for them, because He allowed it to work, now even that which He once allowed to work, will not work.  The flu shots are only the beginning.  Where it was once said, that body exercised profits little, now even the little will not work.  If you have not come to know that He was always the SUSTAINER, what you had once used to sustain you, now no longer will.  Think about this and what it means for this world.    In the Inforwars video they spoke of their Natural substance to battle these things….they will not work anymore than what the medical profession is trying to get us to believe.  STAY IN THE SPIRIT!!!!!!


“As stupid as Caesar is, “Give Caesar what is Caesar, and what is God’s, to God.”  Apply this principle to what is happening today, and God will sustain you.  Fight Caesar, and you will die; blindly join Caesar and you will die.  STAY IN THE SPIRIT AND YOU WILL LIVE….Got it!


“If we have our nose buried in a proof text according to our denomination and cannot see the full context of the word of God from a PERFECT VIEW sitting in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, we will never see what God had accomplished before the foundation of the world.”








Here is a warning that we are presently facing. “There are coming overwhelming distractions in your lives; it will not be a matter of “finding time”, you will have to ask for the Lord to MAKE TIME; and for you to know when He had made that time for you, in between these overwhelming distractions, and get what you can get in those created moments. These “times” will be brief, make full use of them. They will sustain your lives and those you love. Stay in the spirit. Paul






Marie….you and I are in these areas to be on WATCH. Forewarned to be forearmed…it will over ride fear. We aren’t talking about the end of the world or what the book of Revelations speaks of in regards to earthquakes…we will not be here for this massive earthquake it speaks of…we are seeing the birth pangs of this massive earthquake. Expect to feel tremors with in the next feel weeks. Let others panic who are not listening or watching; comfort those God has in your keeping….you will endure, as I will also…(remembering the one we all felt a few years back). The warning is seen in Dutch’s video at the 13:00 point. View this brief portion, it will make good use of the time which we have also been warned about. If the Lord makes time, view the whole video…something I don’t believe you need to do. . (Dutch at one point uses the term “Spillover”; We were told to watch for this has many meanings and warnings, as it has been revealed to us. The Spillover applies to Europe and earthquakes in this case.)







Lying spirits, sent of God, are speaking lies to the leaders of the world and particular to our nation. Read of the lying prophets of King Ahaz, to whom a “LYING SPIRIT” sent of God, whispered in their ears, leading King Ahaz to believe in his success with foreign affairs. His listening to these lying prophets, who listened to this lying spirit, cost him his life.” Think of all this in light of this text…”And God will send them strong delusion that they will believe a lie.” Lying spirits, teaching doctrines of devils and demons can be heard, if you really listen to the current News, they can be heard beyond these lying leaders of this world and this nation.


Now you can see why we are to watch, listen to what is being said as we travel on this narrow road. DO NOT BE DRAW AWAY by the leaders of this day and age! They may have been a time to be involved, today is not that time, no matter what those around you might try to get you to feel, “That you should get involved.” Those who lead you to think your vote can stop this. Today, your vote means nothing! I will not say anymore to this, other than tell you all, who I know understand what I have been told, “DO NOT SHARE THIS WITH THOSE OFF THIS ROAD.” Stay in the spirit, stay on the road. Paul






If Noah had listened to the world around him he would have never built the boat; thus none of us would be here to even know this.  -  As it was in the days of Noah -  If we listen to others we will get off the road that leads to a boat that we didn’t even had to build.  Now who is stupid?  I mean, it doesn’t get any better; anything being offered on the exits of this road will not save you.  You can take these exits, and find out.  I believe you all have heard the secular and religious offers the world is giving.  With that said, think on this,..”How shall we escape if we neglect so great an offer?”  The only concluding answer would be….YOU DON’T.

That’s about as simple as it gets.  The road starts with a PROMISE, and ends with a PROMISE.  It’s our coming to know the promise, and believing it enough to stay on the road to its fulfillment.  “Before in the beginning, after the end, and everything in between, covered via a promise.”   Stay on the road. 



I have an uneasy feeling from a video that was something like the ones Marie had brought to our attention.  So, follow me on this;  we have had warnings, things revealed to us over the last 10 years or so.  Our crooked path has been made straight, to the point now we can see clearly, now that the rain has fallen. (Reminds me of the song).  Well, also we have been told that JUSTICE would not be had by a world that has rejected the JUSTIFICATIONAL WORK that God has offered, before the foundation of the world.  Any idea of justice that will come will end in Evil’s attempt to destroy all flesh.  In this video, this guy reveals the corruption of our political leaders, and suggest their imprisonment and execution by beheading them.  I can see clearly, the road ahead for this world, a world that will enact its ideas of justice.  These puppets, used of Evil, will have their strings cut.  This world religion will be used to bring them down.  Satan casting out Satan, assures us that his kingdom will fall.  He doesn’t care, and never did.  He is out for the total destruction of the just and the unjust.  He will bring as many to hell as he can, knowing his days are numbered.  The world will think they have finally gotten justice against the well known corruption of these leaders being exposed.  They will round them up, at the cheers of the crowd, execute them…NOT KNOWING, that it will not end there.  Remember David saying, “Lord, if you weighted transgressions, who would Stand?”  Evil always mimics God; evil weighting transgression, that it caused, will bring everyone one down.  No one will be able to stand against such scrutiny…think of all the data they have on all of us..every phone call, every text message, audio and video of your actions in the privacy of your very home.  No one will stand; all would perish…unless God puts a stop to this.  We see God’s idea of justice totally different than that of the world, religious, Satanic idea of justice.  I wished I could express this better, but I believe you catch what I am saying.  THANK GOD, you who are justified, will not be here to come under this world’s ideas of justice.  Stay in the Justification we have been told to trust; a PROMISE give to us before the foundation of this world. 

Here is that link I watched that gave me this uneasy feeling.  Get pass the abusive words he uses; what you are hearing is what is coming soon upon this world….  


“It’s no longer the obvious that should concern us; they have been exposed, and are blatantly revealing as to who they are.  It’s beyond crazy; it is what they say, over the top.  But something worst will happen; a deliverer bringing strong delusion.  Enough said.  It will play out, with only a few seeing through it all.  Paul



Here is something we have all experienced, something brought to my attention that explains what is happening, especially in a religious setting….you can understand what is meant when it says that God will send them strong delusion that even the elect could be deceived….His allowing this has its purpose…the wheat and tares allowed to grow up together.


“For there must be also heresies among you that they which are genuine may be made manifest among you." (1 Cor. 11:19)  God allows error and deception in His church so that those who truly want Christ might be proven and shown to be with Him.





I starting watching, of all people, someone I would have never listen to in the past.  You have all heard of him, Rush Limbaugh.  Before you think I am getting off the road, let me say that I listened at a rest stop, on my travel on this narrow and straight road.  As I was sitting there, at this rest stop, at one point of his talk on Youtube, he asked a question to which I know the Father had given me the answer to years ago while on this road.  He asked, “Do they know that they are lying?  Maybe they don’t really know that they are lying?”  Well I posted the answer I was given years ago that addressed this.  You all probably have heard me give this in one of my e-mails, articles or videos.  Here is what I posted;

Paul Woodward

2 minutes ago

Rush mentioned that "they might be believing their own lie and not know it."  I heard this once and it applies here - "What is the difference between a liar and one obsessed?  A liar, at first knows he or she is lying; they are only attempting to get you to believe their lie.  Yet, if they keep sharing their lie, at some point they convince themselves of the very lie they are feeding you, until they no longer see it as a lie, but believe it to be the truth.  At that point they are obsessed."  Have a nice day.


Well, I don’t expect he will reply.  But I wanted to share this with all of you as an example of how to use a “rest stop”….listen, then ask, or remember sometime our Father might have given you the answer to years ago on this road we are on.  Notice, I didn’t quote a Bible verse; they would have turned him and his listeners off right from the get-go.  I resurrected living words I once was given to answer this question.  I am sure he had his take on his own question, it was only what we have learned to be a rhetorical question, not demanding an answer.  I just shared it as I was told to share, and now I move on for the night, pressing forward on this road.   Good night.   Paul



Well, I believe I have seen enough when it come to Alternative News and Main Stream News, matters of the right and left, Conservative and Liberal parties, to realize what I have already been told, “Let every man be a liar, but God true.”  The Lord is correct, “Let it play out;” what’s playing out?  He is proving the wisdom of the world to be the foolishness that it is.  They each accuse the other of the problem, not seeing that they all are the problem.  The problem being that they do not want to see the REAL PROBLEM, which would lead them all to the solution God had offered, “Before the foundation of the world.”  Sad part is that if you attempted to address the problem and offer the solution, they would only see it as “just so much religion,” which many in that crowd don’t see it either.


1.        No longer pray for this nation; to pray for it you would be praying against the will of God – “I will withdraw my hand, and see their outcome.”  “Let it play out.”

2.       Watch, only in that you will see matters play out, there will be no one with the answer, neither to the left of this road or to its right.

3.       Sustain those on the road that God has provided, focus on the few.

4.       Stand, and in standing, Stand; DO NOT DEVIATE OFF THE ROAD, no matter their cries. 

5.       Lift up Christ in your STAND,  and this will draw those that the Father knows.  All others will fall.

6.       See the corruption, know that it is there for God’s purposes, to prove who is for the Lord and those who never were.

7.       Stay in the spirit – in case you don’t know what this means by now; Jesus’ answer to the women at the well…”Women, there comes the day that God will neither seek those in this mountain or in the temple, but for those that will worship Him IN SPIRIT and Truth…meaning further, A New Being, A New sense of reality, with New Power..the power of His resurrection…this straight road we are on.  Those left and right of this road do not see this.


At this point, I no longer desire to share what the Lord has told me personally, to anyone who doesn’t desire to know.  Truly, “they will get only that which they have got.”  The question each must ask themselves, for themselves, “What have you got?”  For those that desire to hear from The Lord, He will sustain them, no matter how it may appear to their left and right. 



Compromising God in the name of science; attributing what God does to natural cause and effect.  God is not restricted to “lower laws” of the naturally created world; His actions supersede the lower laws by higher laws that put into action the lower for His purposes.  Nature was not to be set free; when we read of the earth moaning and groaning waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, it is not personifying nature, it only reveals a fallen humanity, giving it personality, it never was to have.  We “set the course of nature by the tongue, lit of hell.”  Robbing God of His controlling power, placing it in the hands of secular science, will end with matter totally out of control.  We are a poor Adam in his original state given this power to control the land, sea and air.  Today it takes the collect mind of humanity to equal the power once held in a single Adam.  But we see today that even the collect minds of humanity, in its total depravity, getting further and further from God and the original Adam, that now, Evil has given up on the collective minds and turn to A.I. or Artificial Intelligence of the machine.


This is something the Lord shared in light of this day and age, and its turning to the god of science for answers.  Many are thinking that what the book of Revelations is telling us will be caused by natural cause and effect.  When this tribulation period starts, it will not be as many of the prelude events we have seen caused by the “setting free” of nature from the Hand of God and the sons of God that God had originally desired, which was lost by the fall of Adam.  When this tribulation starts, it truly will be such tribulation as the world has never seen before; it will be by the hand of God through His angelic host, as is clearly revealed, and not natural causes and effects.  It is for this reason that men’s heart will fail them.  In this day and age of knowledge increasing and the ability of this knowledge to spread quickly around this world, mankind has become so immune to the increase of natural disasters, that nothing stirs them anymore.  But, when what is said in the Book of Revelations  starts, it definitely will have nothing to do with the natural.  Mankind will once again see what the Nation of Israel once saw when they were delivered from Egypt.  There were skeptics even then, yet at some point the hand of God could not be denied. 




God gets rid of the Sheppard dogs.    You all have head of the Sheppard’s prayer and the spiritual truths that comes out of this 23 Psalm that David wrote.  Assuming that you have that back ground and understanding, reflect on the Sheppard’s use of sheep dogs to keep the sheep in line.  There are untold numbers of individuals who feel the Sheppard had died and left them to tend the sheep and thus take the role of a Sheppard’s dog barking at the feet of the sheep.  (Lording over the flock).  What was brought out in this theme this years was that God will deal with the “LORD’s of the flock.”  Know this, from a natural illustration, the dogs that we see in this life, owned by these natural sheppards, are TRAINED by the Sheppard to follow their lead and not that of their own mind and will.  If the Sheppard signals to the dog to move the sheep to the right, the dog KNOWS the will of the Sheppard, thus moves the flock to the right and NOT TO THE LEFT.  The sheep dog KNOWS the enemy of the sheep, and is TRAINED to deal with their enemies, as the Sheppard had taught him to do.  Nothing wrong with this.  “BUT” today these sheep dogs are acting independent from the Sheppard’s leading, simple because they think the Sheppard isn’t there or is asleep.  Believe me, this isn’t the case…”The Lord is MY SHEPPARD, I shall not want…”HE makes me lay down”…not those who feel they are called to lay the sheep down.  “He stores my soul…it is not the sheep dogs or false sheppards.  “He leads me in the path of righteousness FOR HIS NAME SAKE….His name sake is beyond  these sheep dogs and false sheppards.  Keep following the Sheppard, let Him deal with the Dogs.  I do not take the role of a sheep dog, barking at your feet to keep you on the path, I am following the Sheppard along with you…we have come to KNOW HIS VOICE and follow no other.





I am learning that in this present age, it’s not a matter of “trying” to get others to see what we have been seeing; without a doubt, “All will soon be unable to not see it.”  We hear it on the T.V. and radio News, we see it in movies we watch, we hear it on the job, we feel it through the economy; everywhere we go, it is becoming more and more known whether we want to see it or not.  Try to get others to see this??  No! We no long have to try as we once had, it will be undeniable.  Feb. 13, 2015



The expression, “We are ahead of the curve,” is exactly what the Lord has been giving us for weeks now.  I question is, “Is this just our hearing the news, or is nothing more than something we have heard others say on the web, or in our social relationships?”  We each have to answer this question.  For example, the things I have been sending and “claiming” I am getting, these things I e-mail to you all, is it just as I said, or is it truly coming from the Lord for us all, which will allow us to “be ahead of the curve.”  Think of the quote, what does it mean, being ahead of the curve?  If I understand this correctly, it is just as the Lord said to us just this week; “He has made our path smooth, He has made the crooked path straight, raised the valleys and make it possible for us to go through the mountains and not around them or over them.”  I can claim this, but the question is, “Am I really seeing around the curve?”  I can’t answer that for you, it is something you must come to see as well, that which is around the curve up this road we are on.  If it is still a curve, you are only seeing a few hundred yards up the road, and will have to wait until you make the bend in this road.  Knowing the Lord, and what He has accomplished for us, and from the advantage point He has over our lives, do you think that if we could get to this advantage point in our spirit, that we could actually see what is crooked as straight, and what is high as low, and what is low raised up?


In the military we were taught to read maps that reveal the terrain of an area.  The valley and mountain were on those TWO DIMENSIONAL maps using symbols of shading and circles.  In our minds we were taught to see these two dimensional maps in 3 dimensions.  Well, from where our Father views matters, He sees them far beyond our restricted 3 dimensional view point.  We just have to gain THE MIND OF CHRIST…doing so, we will be AHEAD OF THE CURVE.   Paul